We opened our private view two artists down due to a fall down the stairs in last minute rushing around, but with that drama over our exhibition space started to fill with members of the public enjoying the exciting collection of work, wine and real ale kindly donated by the Inveralmond Brewery in Perth. The piper on the door helped guide people to our slightly off the beaten track location and as was fitting for our Jute Mill location we were treated to an impromptu performance by Dundee singer, Sheena Wellington. And special thanks to Adrian and his wheels of steel who helped keep a lively buzz about the place for the whole weekend.
On Sunday we drew the raffle having raised £232 to split equally between the Maggie Centre and the ACJ. The winning tickets and corresponding prizes are noted below -
green 134 - Dianne King piece
yellow 20 - Dauvit Alexander piece
green 105 - Allison Lynn piece
green 103 - Genna Delaney piece
green 79 - Adrian Murray piece
yellow 321 - Ruth Gordon piece
yellow 446 - Michael Kay piece
yellow 317 - Sarah Spalding piece
yellow 355 - Nicola Morrison piece
yellow 302 - Islay Spalding piece
yellow 10 - Gill Ross piece
Winners have been contacted.
See you next time!